1: doctype "../grammars/EJ.g.etl" context "MethodContent";
     2: // scopes
     3: {
     4:   var int test = -1;
     5:   {
     6:     var final int test2 = test + 1;
     7:   };
     8: };
     9: // try and synchronized blocks
    10: try
    11: {
    12:   synchronized(object)
    13:   {
    14:     object.wait();
    15:   };
    16: }
    17: catch(final Exception ex)
    18: {
    19:   ex.printStackTrace();
    20: }
    21: finally
    22: {
    23:   System.out.println("Scope left");
    24: };
    25: // classifiers
    26: interface a
    27: {
    28:   to void test();
    29: };
    30: class b implements a
    31: {
    32:   to void test(){};
    33: };
    34: enum c { literal q; literal w; literal e;};