1: doctype "../grammars/EJ.g.etl" context "MethodContent";
     2: // array value constructors (http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=65)
     3: ["Hello, World!", new Integer(0), 24];
     4: [1, new Integer(0), 24];
     5: [1, 2, 24];
     6: // constructors
     7: new String(bigString.substring(bigString.length()-2));
     8: // array constructor samples
     9: new array[array[int]](10);
    10: new array[array[int]](10,10);
    11: new array[array[String]] with [[null,"b","c"],null,["a","b",null]];
    12: // constructor with redefinition sample
    13: new Runnable() {
    14:   to public void run() {System.out.println("Hello, World!");};
    15: };
    16: // redefinition and call of constructor as feature (for inner classes)
    17: someObject.new TestClass() { to public int test() {return 0;};};
    18: // call of method on created object
    19: new String('a').substring(1);