1: // Reference ETL Parser for Java
     2: // Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Constantine A Plotnikov
     3: //
     4: // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person 
     5: // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation 
     6: // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
     7: // including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, 
     8: // publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, 
     9: // and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, 
    10: // subject to the following conditions:
    11: //
    12: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be 
    13: // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
    14: // 
    22: // SOFTWARE. 
    23: doctype public "-//IDN etl.sf.net//ETL//Grammar 0.2.1";
    24: /// This is a grammar for 0.2.1 syntax defined using 0.2.1 syntax.
    25: ///
    26: /// This is a definition for the grammar language itself.
    27: /// This grammar is actually used for parsing other grammars. 
    28: /// The text of this specific grammar itself is parsed using bootstrap 
    29: /// parser, then the grammar is compiled using normal grammar compilation 
    30: /// path.
    31: ///
    32: /// The parsing model is AST building. The parser tries to match syntax 
    33: /// constructs and creates AST according to specified AST constructs. 
    34: /// AST is assumed to contain objects and properties. So AST is directly 
    35: /// mappable to object models like C#, JavaBeans, EMOF, MOF, and EMF.
    36: /// 
    37: /// Properties are identified by name and objects are identified by 
    38: /// namespace URI and name. The object identification idea is borrowed from XMI
    39: /// and it is even possible to generate XMI-file without prior knowledge of 
    40: /// metamodel.
    41: ///
    42: /// There are two kinds of syntax constructs: expressions and statements.
    43: ///
    44: /// Expression model is borrowed from prolog. Operator has been borrowed from
    45: /// Prolog almost as is. Each operator has precedence and associativity. 
    46: /// Associativity has format "AfA" where A can be "", "x", or "y". Blank 
    47: /// specifies that there is no argument at this place. The "y" matches 
    48: /// expression of the same precedence and the "x" matches expression of lesser 
    49: /// precedence. For example yfx operator is "+" and "-" from C, x+y-z is parsed 
    50: /// as (x+y)-y. Example of  xfy operator is assignment operator from C. a=b=c 
    51: /// is parsed as a=(b=c). The yfy operator is any associative. If .. is a yfy
    52: /// operator of the same level as "+", then a + b + c .. a + b + c will be
    53: /// ((a+b)+c)..((a+b)+c)
    54: ///
    55: /// Also "f" operators have special semantics, they appear on level 0 and 
    56: /// are primary operators. They do not have neither left nor right part.
    57: ///
    58: /// Operators can be simple or composite. Simple operators have just a token 
    59: /// specified. See the definition of "|" and "?" operators in this grammar.
    60: /// Composite operators allow more complex syntax constructs. Composite 
    61: /// operators are usually used to define primary level of the grammar. However 
    62: /// they can be used to specify non primary operators too. Java method 
    63: /// invocation and array access operators are examples of this. Composite 
    64: /// operator can use all syntax expressions used in statements.
    65: ///
    66: /// Statement defines content of segment returned from term parser. The 
    67: /// statement is defined using generic constructs like pattern, lists, choice, 
    68: /// and tokens.
    69: /// 
    70: /// @author const
    71: grammar net.sf.etl.grammars.Grammar {
    72: 	namespace default g = "http://etl.sf.net/etl/grammar/0.2.1";
    74: 	/// This abstract context contains definition used across this grammar. 
    75: 	context abstract Base {
    77: 		/// String token definition. The two type of string are understood 
    78: 		/// by the grammar language and they have the same semantics.
    79: 		def String {
    80: 			string(quote="\"") | string(quote='\'');
    81: 		};
    83: 		/// Documentation mapping definition. This mapping is used 
    84: 		/// by all statements in the grammar.
    85: 		documentation Documentation {
    86: 			@ documentation += doclines wrapper g:DocumentationLine.text;
    87: 		};		
    89: 		/// Definition of object name expression. This reusable fragment
    90: 		/// is used in places where object name is required. The used prefix
    91: 		/// is defined by {@link #GrammarContent.Namespace} definition.
    92: 		def ObjectNameDef {
    93: 			^ g:ObjectName {
    94: 				@ prefix = identifier;
    95: 				% :; 
    96: 				@ name = identifier;
    97: 			};
    98: 		};
   100: 		/// Definition for wrapper section fragment. This fragment is attached
   101: 		/// to syntax expressions that match and produce individual tokens. 
   102: 		/// The fragment specification causes this token to be wrapped into
   103: 		/// into the specified object and property. 
   104: 		def WrapperDef {
   105: 			% wrapper {
   106: 				ref(WrapperObject);
   107: 			};
   108: 		};
   110: 		/// Definition for wrapper specification fragment. Wrapper is
   111: 		/// is usually attached to tokens. When token matches, its value
   112: 		/// wrapped into specified object and property. 
   113: 		def WrapperObject {
   114: 			^ g:Wrapper {
   115: 				@ object = ref(ObjectNameDef);
   116: 				% .;
   117: 				@ property = identifier;
   118: 			};
   119: 		};
   120: 	};
   124: 	/// This is base mapping syntax context. Mapping context might
   125: 	/// contain blank statements and let statements.
   126: 	context abstract BaseMappingSyntax {
   127: 		include Base;
   129: 		/// Let statement. It is used to define mapping from syntax 
   130: 		/// to property of the object. The statement matches expression
   131: 		/// after "=" or "+=" and yields property assignment. All objects 
   132: 		/// or values that are encountered in the property are assigned 
   133: 		/// to property of top object specified by name property.
   134: 		///
   135: 		/// The "+=" version assumes list property, the "=" version assumes 
   136: 		/// property with upper multiplicity equal to 1.
   137: 		/// {@example #CompositeOperatorSyntax
   138: 		///   @ name = identifier; // match single identifier
   139: 		///   // match non-empty sequence of numbers separated by comma
   140: 		///   @ numbers += list , { integer | float;}; 
   141: 		/// }
   142: 		statement Let {
   143: 			% @;
   144: 			@ name = identifier;
   145: 			@ operator = token(+=) | token(=);
   146: 			@ expression = expression;
   147: 		};
   149: 		/// This is blank statement. It is used to attach attributes 
   150: 		/// and documentation comments. This is may be used for example
   151: 		/// for attaching annotations after last statement.
   152: 		statement BlankSyntaxStatement {
   153: 		};
   154: 	};
   156: 	/// This is base syntax context. This context might contain object
   157: 	/// specification in addition to let statement.
   158: 	context abstract BaseSyntax {
   159: 		include BaseMappingSyntax;
   161: 		/// Utility definition used in different parts of the syntax
   162: 		/// It allows to specify a block consisting of syntax statements.
   163: 		/// It matches the specified statements in the sequence. 
   164: 		/// {@example #CompositeSyntax
   165: 		///   {% let; @name = identifier; % =; @value = expression;};
   166: 		/// }
   167: 		def SequenceDef  {
   168: 			^ g:Sequence {
   169: 				@ syntax += block;
   170: 			};
   171: 		};
   173: 		/// Object expression. It is used to specify context of parsing. 
   174: 		/// 
   175: 		/// The expression matches its content, and creates an context object
   176: 		/// all properties that are directly or indirectly specified in the 
   177: 		/// content will be assumed to be specified in context of this object
   178: 		/// unless new object directive is encountered.
   179: 		///
   180: 		/// It is an error to specify value or object generators inside object
   181: 		/// without property layer.
   182: 		/// {@example #CompositeSyntax
   183: 		///   ^ t:Ref {% ref % (; @name = identifier; % );};
   184: 		/// }
   185: 		op composite ObjectOp(f) {
   186: 			% ^;
   187: 			@ name = ref(ObjectNameDef);
   188: 			@ syntax = ref(SequenceDef);
   189: 		};
   190: 	};
   193: 	/// This is base syntax context. 
   194: 	context abstract BaseCompositeSyntax {
   195: 		include BaseSyntax;
   197: 		/// Expression statement. This statement is a container for expression.
   198: 		/// The statement has the same semantics as expression contained in it.
   199: 		statement ExpressionStatement {
   200: 			@ syntax = expression;
   201: 		};
   202: 	};
   205: 	/// This syntax is used inside documentation statement. 
   206: 	context DocumentationSyntax {
   207: 		include BaseMappingSyntax;
   208: 		/// This is doclines expression. It matches sequence of documentation lines.
   209: 		/// {@example #DocumentationSyntax;
   210: 		///   @ documentation += doclines wrapper xj:DocumentationLine.text;
   211: 		/// };
   212: 		op composite DoclinesOp(f) {
   213: 			% doclines;
   214: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?;
   215: 		};
   216: 	};	
   218: 	/// This context specifies syntax for simple operations
   219: 	context SimpleOpSyntax {
   220: 		include BaseCompositeSyntax;
   222: 		/// This expression matches left operand in expression. It is used
   223: 		/// in let expression to specify property to which left operand 
   224: 		/// of operator should be assigned.
   225: 		/// {@example #ContextContent
   226: 		///   op Minus(500, yfx, -) {
   227: 		///     @ minuend = left;
   228: 		///     @ subtrahend = right;
   229: 		///   };
   230: 		/// };
   231: 		op composite Left(f) {
   232: 			^ g:OperandOp {
   233: 				@ position = token(left);
   234: 			};
   235: 		};
   237: 		/// This expression matches right operand in expression. It is used
   238: 		/// in let expression to specify property to which right operand 
   239: 		/// of operator should be assigned.
   240: 		op composite Right(f) {
   241: 			^ g:OperandOp {
   242: 				@ position = token(right);
   243: 			};
   244: 		};
   245: 	};
   247: 	/// This context contains definition of primitive syntax operators
   248: 	context abstract CompositeOperatorsSyntax {
   249: 		include BaseCompositeSyntax;
   251: 		/// Choice operator. It matches one of two alternatives. It is 
   252: 		/// an error if both alternatives match an empty sequence or 
   253: 		/// or might start with the same token. Note that it is not error
   254: 		/// if one alternative starts with generic token kind (for example
   255: 		/// string quoted with double quote, and another one starts with 
   256: 		/// specific token like token "my string".
   257: 		op ChoiceOp(xfy,300,|) {
   258: 			@ options += left; @ options += right;
   259: 		};
   261: 		/// First choice operator. It tries to match the first 
   262: 		/// alternative than the second one. This operator never
   263: 		/// produces conflicts even if the second alternative matches
   264: 		/// the first one.
   265: 		op FirstChoiceOp(xfy,200,/) {
   266: 			@ first = left; @ second = right;
   267: 		};
   269: 		/// This operator matches empty sequence of tokens or its operand.
   270: 		op OptionalOp(yf,100,?) {
   271: 			@ syntax = left;
   272: 		};
   274: 		/// This operation matches non empty sequence of specified operand.
   275: 		op OneOrMoreOp(yf,100,+) {
   276: 			@ syntax = left;
   277: 		};
   279: 		/// This operation is composition of optional and one of more operators.
   280: 		op ZeroOrMoreOp(yf,100,*) {
   281: 			@ syntax = left;
   282: 		};
   284: 	};
   286: 	/// This context defines expressions that might happen in context 
   287: 	/// of modifiers expressions.
   288: 	context ModifiersSyntax {
   289: 		include BaseMappingSyntax;
   291: 		/// This is modifier specification. It can contain optional wrapper.
   292: 		op composite ModifierOp(f) {
   293: 			% modifier;
   294: 			@ value = token;
   295: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   296: 		};
   297: 	};
   299: 	/// Free form composite syntax
   300: 	context CompositeSyntax {
   301: 		include CompositeOperatorsSyntax;
   303: 		/// A keyword definition statement. It could happen only
   304: 		/// as part of {@link #PatternOp}
   305: 		def KeywordStmtDef {
   306: 			^ g:KeywordStatement {
   307: 				% % {
   308: 					@ text = token;
   309: 				};
   310: 			};
   311: 		};
   314: 		/// This is a sequence of keywords and blocks separated by white spaces. 
   315: 		/// It is used to define literal syntax patterns in the grammar. Keywords
   316: 		/// are just parsed and are not reported to the parser. Contents of the 
   317: 		/// blocks is a sequence of syntax expressions and it is passed through
   318: 		/// to the root sequence. Note that two blocks must be separated by one
   319: 		/// or more keyword.
   320: 		op composite PatternOp(f) {
   321: 			^ g:Sequence {
   322: 				@ syntax += {
   323: 					{ 
   324: 					  ref(KeywordStmtDef); 
   325: 					  block?;
   326: 					}+ | {
   327: 						block;
   328: 						{ 
   329: 					  		ref(KeywordStmtDef); 
   330: 					  		block?;
   331: 						}*; 
   332: 					};
   333: 				};
   334: 			};
   335: 		};
   337: 		/// Reference to definition in this context or in included context.
   338: 		/// The expression is replaced with content of original definition.
   339: 		/// Recursion is not allowed to be created using references.
   340: 		op composite RefOp(f) {
   341: 			% ref % ( {
   342: 				@ name = identifier;
   343: 			} % ) ;
   344: 		};
   346: 		/// Block reference. The statement matches block that that contains
   347: 		/// statements of the specified context. If no context is specified,
   348: 		/// reference to current context is assumed. Block produces possibly
   349: 		/// empty sequence of objects. And it should happen in context of 
   350: 		/// of list property.
   351: 		op composite BlockRef(f) {
   352: 			% block; 
   353: 			% ( {
   354: 			 @ context = identifier ;
   355: 			} % ) ?; 
   356: 		};
   358: 		/// This is reusable fragment used to specify expression precedence
   359: 		def ExpressionPrecedenceDef {
   360: 			% precedence % = {
   361: 				@ precedence = integer;
   362: 			};
   363: 		};
   364: 		/// Expression reference. This reference matches expression from 
   365: 		/// specified context and of specified precedence. If context is omitted,
   366: 		/// current context is assumed. The expression production always 
   367: 		/// produces a single object as result if parsing is successful.
   368: 		op composite ExpressionRef(f) {
   369: 			% expression;
   370: 			% ( {
   371: 				{
   372: 					ref(ExpressionPrecedenceDef);
   373: 				} | {	
   374: 					@ context = identifier;
   375: 					% , {
   376: 						ref(ExpressionPrecedenceDef);
   377: 					}?;
   378: 				};	
   379: 			} % ) ?;
   380: 		};
   383: 		/// This construct matches sequence separated by the specified 
   384: 		/// separator. This construct is just useful shortcut. The separator 
   385: 		/// can be any specific token. The expression 
   386: 		/// {@example #CompositeSyntax
   387: 		/// list , { 
   388: 		///   ref(Something);
   389: 		/// }; 
   390: 		/// }
   391: 		/// is equivalent to 
   392: 		/// {@example #CompositeSyntax
   393: 		/// {
   394: 		///    ref(Something); 
   395: 		///    % , {
   396: 		///       ref(Something); 
   397: 		///    }*;
   398: 		/// };
   399: 		/// }
   400: 		op composite ListOp(f) {
   401: 			% list {
   402: 				@ separator = token;
   403: 				@ syntax = ref(SequenceDef);
   404: 			};
   405: 		};
   408: 		/// This construct matches set of modifiers. This construct
   409: 		/// matches any number or modifiers in any order. Each modifier
   410: 		/// matches and produces its text as a value. Wrapper specified 
   411: 		/// for modifiers construct applies to all modifiers inside it
   412: 		/// unless overridden by modifier.
   413: 		op composite ModifiersOp(f) {
   414: 			% modifiers;
   415: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   416: 			@ modifiers += block(ModifiersSyntax);
   417: 		};
   419: 		/// This construct matches any token or token specified in brackets.
   420: 		/// It produces a value of its text. If no token is specified, 
   421: 		/// the construct matches any significant token with exception of 
   422: 		/// documentation comment. See this grammar for numerous examples of its
   423: 		/// usage (including this definition).
   424: 		///
   425: 		/// Optional wrapper causes wrapping value produced by this expression
   426: 		/// into specified wrapper.
   427: 		op composite TokenOp(f) {
   428: 			% token {
   429: 				% ( {
   430: 					@ value = token;
   431: 				} % ) ?;
   432: 			};
   433: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   434: 		};
   435: 		/// This operator matches string with specified quote kind.
   436: 		/// The quote must be specified. The operator produces matched text
   437: 		/// as a value.
   438: 		///
   439: 		/// The operator optionally supports prefixed and multiline strings.
   440: 		/// Only strings that match the specific prefix could be specified.
   441: 		///
   442: 		/// Optional wrapper causes wrapping value produced by this expression
   443: 		/// into specified wrapper.
   444: 		op composite StringOp(f) {
   445: 			% string % ( {
   446: 				% prefix % = {
   447: 					@ prefix += list | { 
   448: 						identifier;
   449: 					};	 
   450: 				} % , ?;
   451: 				% quote % = {
   452: 					@ quote = ref(String);
   453: 				};	
   454: 				% , % multiline % = {
   455: 					@ multiline = token(true); 
   456: 				}?;
   457: 			} % );
   458: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   459: 		};
   461: 		/// This operator matches any identifier. The operator produces matched text
   462: 		/// as a value.
   463: 		///
   464: 		/// Optional wrapper causes wrapping value produced by this expression
   465: 		/// into specified wrapper.
   466: 		op composite IdentifierOp(f) {
   467: 			% identifier;
   468: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   469: 		};
   472: 		/// This operator matches integer without suffix or with specified suffix
   473: 		/// The operator produces matched text as a value.
   474: 		///
   475: 		/// Optional wrapper causes wrapping value produced by this expression
   476: 		/// into specified wrapper.
   477: 		op composite IntegerOp(f) {
   478: 			% integer {
   479: 				% ( {
   480: 					% suffix % = {
   481: 						@ suffix += list | { 
   482: 							identifier;
   483: 						};
   484: 					}?;
   485: 				} % ) ?;
   486: 				@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   487: 			};
   488: 		};
   491: 		/// This operator matches float without suffix or with specified suffix.
   492: 		/// The operator produces matched text as a value.
   493: 		///
   494: 		/// Optional wrapper causes wrapping value produced by this expression
   495: 		/// into specified wrapper.
   496: 		op composite FloatOp(f) {
   497: 			% float;
   498: 			% ( {
   499: 				% suffix % = {
   500: 					@ suffix += list | { 
   501: 						identifier;
   502: 					};
   503: 				}? ;
   504: 			} % ) ?;
   505: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   506: 		};
   509: 		/// This operator matches any graphics token.
   510: 		/// The operator produces matched text as a value.
   511: 		///
   512: 		/// Optional wrapper causes wrapping value produced by this expression
   513: 		/// into specified wrapper.
   514: 		op composite GraphicsOp(f) {
   515: 			% graphics;
   516: 			@ wrapper = ref(WrapperDef)?; 
   517: 		};
   519: 	};
   521: 	/// Composite operator syntax. 
   522: 	/// Note that this definition is oversimplified. There are additional 
   523: 	/// constraint that "left" and "right" expression might happen only on top 
   524: 	/// level. The construct will be possibly adjusted later. 
   525: 	context CompositeOpSyntax {
   526: 		include SimpleOpSyntax;
   527: 		include CompositeSyntax;
   528: 	};
   530: 	/// This context defines content of context statement. So it defines itself.
   531: 	context ContextContent {
   532: 		include Base;
   534: 		/// This is blank statement. It is used to attach attributes 
   535: 		/// and documentation comments.
   536: 		statement BlankContextStatement {
   537: 		};
   540: 		/// Operator associativity definition. It matches any valid 
   541: 		/// associativity.
   542: 		def OpAssociativity {
   543: 			token(f) | token(xf) | token(yf) |token(xfy) |
   544: 			token(xfx) |token(yfx) |token(fx) | token(fy) | token(yfy);
   545: 		};
   548: 		/// Operator definition. There are two kinds of operators - simple
   549: 		/// composite.
   550: 		///
   551: 		/// If the operator definition does not contain a single object creation
   552: 		/// expression it is assumed to have a content wrapped in the object
   553: 		/// creation expression with default namespace and operator name as an
   554: 		/// object name.
   555: 		statement OperatorDefinition {
   556: 			% op;
   557: 			modifiers wrapper g:Modifier.value {
   558: 				@ isComposite = modifier composite;
   559: 			};
   560: 			@ name = identifier;
   561: 			% ( {
   562: 				@ associativity = ref(OpAssociativity);
   563: 				% , {
   564: 					@ precedence = integer;
   565: 				    % , {
   566: 						@ text = token;
   567: 					} % ) {
   568: 						@ syntax += block(SimpleOpSyntax);
   569: 					} | % ) {
   570: 						@ syntax += block(CompositeOpSyntax);
   571: 					};	
   572: 				} | % ) {
   573: 					@ syntax += block(CompositeOpSyntax);
   574: 				};
   575: 			};
   576: 		};
   578: 		/// Attributes definition. Attributes can be applied only to
   579: 		/// statements. To apply them to expressions, define an composite
   580: 		/// operator that uses the same syntax. Such operator and attributes
   581: 		/// declaration can share syntax through def statement.
   582: 		statement Attributes {
   583: 			% attributes;
   584: 			@ name = identifier;
   585: 			@ syntax += block(CompositeSyntax);
   586: 		};
   588: 		/// Statement definition. Statement attempts to match entire segment.
   589: 		/// If statement matches part of segment and there are some 
   590: 		/// unmatched significant tokens left, it is a syntax error.
   591: 		///
   592: 		/// If the statement definition does not contain a single object creation
   593: 		/// expression it is assumed to have a content wrapped in the object
   594: 		/// creation expression with default namespace and statement name as an
   595: 		/// object name.
   596: 		statement Statement {
   597: 			% statement;
   598: 			@ name = identifier;
   599: 			@ syntax += block(CompositeSyntax);
   600: 		};
   602: 		/// Documentation syntax. It matches documentation comments before
   603: 		/// start of grammar. The definition is used to specify property
   604: 		/// where documentation is put.
   605: 		statement DocumentationSyntax {
   606: 			% documentation;
   607: 			@ name = identifier;
   608: 			@ syntax += block(DocumentationSyntax);
   609: 		};
   611: 		/// A fragment definition. It is used to define reusable parts of the 
   612: 		/// syntax. References to definitions are replaced with content of the 
   613: 		/// definition, so it is an error for definition to refer to itself 
   614: 		/// through ref construct.
   615: 		statement Def {
   616: 			% def;
   617: 			@ name = identifier;
   618: 			@ syntax += block(CompositeSyntax);
   619: 		};
   621: 		/// Include operation cause all definitions except redefined 
   622: 		/// to be included in this context. It is an error if two definitions 
   623: 		/// are available using different paths. If wrapper chain is specified
   624: 		/// The statements will be wrapped into the specified chain.
   625: 		statement ContextInclude {
   626: 			% include;
   627: 			@ contextName = identifier;
   628: 			@ wrappers += % wrapper {
   629: 				list / {
   630: 					ref(WrapperObject);
   631: 				};
   632: 			}?;
   633: 		};
   635: 		/// Import operation makes context referenceable from this context or 
   636: 		/// allows redefinition of context reference.
   637: 		statement ContextImport {
   638: 			% import;
   639: 			@ localName = identifier;
   640: 			% = {
   641: 				@ contextName = identifier;
   642: 				% from {
   643: 					@ grammarName = identifier;
   644: 				}?;
   645: 			};
   646: 		};
   647: 	};
   649: 	/// This context defines grammar content.
   650: 	context GrammarContent {
   651: 		include Base;
   653: 		/// This definition provides way of referencing other grammars.
   654: 		def GrammarRef {
   655: 			{
   656: 				@ systemId = ref(String);
   657: 				% public {
   658: 					@ publicId = ref(String);
   659: 				}?;
   660: 			} | {
   661: 				% public {
   662: 					@ publicId = ref(String);
   663: 				};
   664: 			};				
   665: 		};
   667: 		/// This is blank statement. It is used to attach attributes 
   668: 		/// and documentation comments.
   669: 		statement BlankGrammarStatement {
   670: 		};
   673: 		/// This is an include statement. Include causes all context from 
   674: 		/// included grammar to be added to current grammar. The definitions
   675: 		/// from grammar include are added only if current grammar does not 
   676: 		/// have definitions with the same name.
   677: 		///
   678: 		/// Grammar imports and context imports also follow this inclusion rule.
   679: 		/// It is an error to include two different non-shadowed definitions by
   680: 		/// different include paths.
   681: 		statement GrammarInclude {
   682: 			% include;
   683: 			ref(GrammarRef);
   684: 		};
   686: 		/// This is grammar import statement. A statement allows contexts of this
   687: 		/// grammar to import context from specified grammar.
   688: 		statement GrammarImport {
   689: 			% import {
   690: 				@ name = identifier;
   691: 			} % = {
   692: 				ref(GrammarRef);
   693: 			};	
   694: 		};
   697: 		/// Namespace declaration is used to declare namespace prefix. The 
   698: 		/// prefix declaration is local to grammar and is not inherited in 
   699: 		/// the case of grammar include. 
   700: 		///
   701: 		/// The namespace can have a default modifier. This namespace will 
   702: 		/// be used along with operator or statement name in case when 
   703: 		/// there are several children in the definition or when the only 
   704: 		/// child is not an object creation expression. 
   705: 		statement Namespace {
   706: 			% namespace;
   707: 			modifiers wrapper g:Modifier.value {
   708: 				@ defaultModifier = modifier default;
   709: 			};
   710: 			@ prefix = identifier;
   711: 			% = ;
   712: 			@ uri = ref(String);
   713: 		};
   715: 		/// Context definition. This definition is used to define context.
   716: 		/// Context may be default and abstract. Abstract contexts 
   717: 		/// cannot be used for parsing and are used only in context include.
   718: 		/// Abstract contexts may be imported only by abstract contexts.
   719: 		///
   720: 		/// Default context is a context that used to parse source when
   721: 		/// no context is specified in doctype. 
   722: 		statement Context {
   723: 			% context;
   724: 			modifiers wrapper g:Modifier.value {
   725: 				@ abstractModifier = modifier abstract;
   726: 				@ defaultModifier = modifier default;
   727: 			};
   728: 			@ name = identifier;
   729: 			@ content += block(ContextContent);
   730: 		};
   731: 	};
   733: 	/// This context contains definition of grammar construct itself
   734: 	context default GrammarSource {
   735: 		include Base;
   737: 		/// This is blank statement. It is used to attach attributes 
   738: 		/// and documentation comments. It is ignored during grammar
   739: 		/// compilation.
   740: 		statement BlankTopLevel {
   741: 		};
   743: 		/// Grammar statement. It defines grammar. Grammar name is purely 
   744: 		/// informative and is used in reported events to identify grammar
   745: 		/// by logical name rather by URI that happens to be current grammar
   746: 		/// location.
   747: 		///
   748: 		/// Grammar can be abstract; in that case it cannot be instantiated
   749: 		/// and referenced from doctype. It can be only included into other 
   750: 		/// grammars.
   751: 		statement Grammar {
   752: 			% grammar;
   753: 			modifiers wrapper g:Modifier.value {
   754: 				@ abstractModifier = modifier abstract;
   755: 			};
   756: 			@ name += list . {identifier;};
   757: 			@ content += block(GrammarContent);
   758: 		};
   759: 	};
   760: };