1: doctype "calculator-vars-0_2_1.g.etl";
3: print "PI ** E: ", Q'PI' ** E;
4: print "E ** PI: ", E ** PI;
5: /// The dozen constant defined in a complex way
6: let dozen = {let a = {let one = 1; one + one;}; a * a;} * 3;
7: help dozen;
8: help PI;
9: let a;
10: a = 4;
11: help a;
12: // Using keyword as a name. Quoting is only required
13: // where it could happen as a keyword, but possible everywhere.
14: let let;
15: q'let' = 2;
16: let Q'print';
17: // quoting of left hand side is required, but in expression
18: // is not since "let" is not a keyword in the expression context.
19: // the last in the sum is also "let" but with
20: // all unicode escapes used.
21: Q'print' = let + q'let' + Q'\x6c\u0065\U000074;';
22: // in the sample below quoting is not required
23: // since "print" and "let" are not keywords in this context
24: print "used keyword vars: ", let * print;
25: help let;
26: help q'print';
27: // the $runner is the system variable defined by the runner
28: help q'$runner';